Inside Of Love

Jax – Imagery

"How do I learn to rise above and only dwell inside of Love?"
~ Jax



I feel too much in life.
Every worry.
Every strife.
How do I learn to dampen down...
No emotions spinning around?
How do I learn to rise above and only dwell inside of Love?
How do I learn to set me free?
How do I learn to simply BE?


Same as with Waiting For Grace I can’t actually vouch for Inside Of Love being perfectly tuned to 528 Hz. (Just sayin’.) Mysterious M, of the groovy bluegrass voice, refuses to use a tuner. In fact, he pretty much never tunes his friggen geetar that I know of but somemagicalhow his groove always sounds killer.

‘Tis hella close enough for scratch though. And rest easy. If this track evah goes from scratch to official, yesss we WILL tune to 528 Hz equally officially. But that’s not too likely to happen. Why? Cuz the musica keeps moving and changing and these words have become sumthin’ different - a more hard rock goth lounge sorta thang happening to them.

Regardless of where that all goes though, this minute is and evah will be, my fave Jaxie Pie sound. A humble scrap of raw audio that perfectly captures all of the intensity, depth, and longing of the emotions inside the words.

I will never forget the day I found this in my Inbox. I struggled for many long moons to start getting the musica I hear inside my head ALL THE TIME out into the world, and this was actually the first time I had ever truly heard the sound of my heart made manifest.

What an amazing, infinite moment that was.



Title – Inside Of Love
Artist – Jaxie Pie
Genre – Cosmic Groove
Frequency Tuning – 528 Hz [Approximation]
Jax – Lyrics, Track Art
Mysterious M – Vocals, Guitar
Release Version – Raw Audio
Cloud –
©2016 Jaxie Pie
All rights reserved
#jaxiepie #insideoflove #cosmicgroove #soundart #528hz #indie #alternatetuning #experimental #alternative #solfeggioscale

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